President DeGioia on Professional Conduct
“Communities are built through the expression of shared values. At Georgetown, we value the inherent dignity of each person. We care for one another. We treat one another with respect and compassion. These values provide the foundation for our educational mission and our work together. Upholding them is our most fundamental responsibility as members of this community.“
Find resources about policies that guide professional conduct, ways to address unprofessional conduct and trainings for building a culture of professionalism. This information is not intended to conflict with, violate or supersede the Georgetown University Faculty Handbook, the Department of Human Resources Policy Manual, Georgetown University Medical Center’s Standards for Professional Behavior or the University’s Policy on Speech and Expression.
Information and Resources:
Policies for Faculty, Staff & AAPS
- Georgetown University’s Code of Ethical Conduct (Faculty, Staff & AAPs)
- The Professional Conduct Provisions in the Faculty Handbook (See Faculty Handbook III(C)(11)) (Faculty)
- Faculty Responsibilities Code (Faculty)
- HR Policy 401: Professional Conduct (Staff & AAPs)
- HR Policy 302: Disciplinary Actions and Dismissal (Staff & AAPs)
- HR Policy 303: Dispute Resolution (Staff & AAPs)
- GUMC’s Standards for Professional Behavior (Faculty, Staff & AAPs)
University Ombuds
A university Ombudsperson is an independent, neutral third party who assists students, faculty, staff and/or administrators in resolving problems, concerns and complaints through informal means: counseling, negotiation and mediation.